home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- 1 OK
- 2 True
- 3 False
- 10000 Sp&onsor...
- 20000 Sponso&r...
- 30000 ATnotes ist bereits gestartet!
- 30001 Symbol kann nicht in der Taskleiste eingefⁿgt werden!
- 30002 (Kein Text)
- 30003 Ungⁿltige oder beschΣdigte ATnotes-Datei!
- 30004 Der Zeitpunkt mu▀ in der Zukunft sein!
- 30005 Keine Notizen vorhanden!
- 30006 Keine Notiz ausgewΣhlt!
- 30007 Keine Notizen gefunden!
- 30008 Kein Tag ausgewΣhlt!
- 30009 Die Blinkzeit mu▀ zwischen 100 und 3000 Millisek. liegen!
- 30010 Die Port Nummer mu▀ zwischen 20000 und 60000 liegen!
- 30011 Kein EmpfΣnger angegeben!
- 30012 Die Notiz kann nicht zugestellt werden an: %s
- 30013 Kein Text angegeben!
- 30014 Fehler beim Initialisieren der Windows Sockets! Keine Notizen von anderen Computern k÷nnen empfangen werden!
- 30015 Der Name des Absenders darf nicht lΣnger als 30 Zeichen sein!
- 30016 %s kann nicht ausgefⁿhrt werden!
- 30017 %s kann nicht ge÷ffnet werden!
- 30018 Die Tabulatorweite mu▀ zwischen 2 und 20 Zeichen liegen!
- 30019 Die Erinnerungszeit mu▀ zwischen 1 und 59 Minuten liegen!
- 30020 Die Farbliste mu▀ mindestens 2 Farben beinhalten!
- 30021 Die Notizliste mu▀ mindestens eine Spalte enthalten!
- 30022 Der Verfalls-Zeitpunkt mu▀ nach dem Alarm sein!
- 30100 AusgewΣhlte Notiz(en) l÷schen?
- 30101 Versuche Symbol in der Taskleiste einzufⁿgen...
- 30102 Der Text in der Zwischenablage ist zu gro▀, nur die ersten 2000 Zeichen werden eingefⁿgt!
- 30103 AusgewΣhlten Ordner l÷schen?
- 30104 Kein aktiver Alarm.
- 30900 OK
- 30901 Abbrechen
- 30902 &Schlie▀en
- 31000 ATnotes Alarm
- 31001 &Alarm aktivieren
- 31002 Alarm &wiederholen alle
- 31003 Stunden
- 31004 Tage
- 31005 Wochen
- 31006 Monate
- 31007 Jahre
- 31008 Notiz nach Alarm &behalten
- 31009 Notiz nach Alarm &l÷schen
- 31010 Minuten
- 31011 B&estimmter Zeitpunkt
- 31012 &Zeitspanne von jetzt an
- 31013 N&otiz verstecken
- 31014 Notiztext in &Fenster anzeigen und bestΣtigen
- 31015 &Notiz in Vordergrund bringen und blinkend anzeigen
- 31016 A&usfⁿhren
- 31017 Alle Dateien (*.*)|*.*|Ausfⁿhrbare Dateien (*.exe;*.com;*.bat)|*.exe;*.com;*.bat||
- 31018 Typ
- 31019 Aktion
- 31020 Alarm &tΣglich wiederholen
- 31021 Audiodateien (*.wav)|*.wav||
- 31022 Audiosignal
- 31023 &Kein Audiosignal
- 31024 &Standardsignal ⁿber Computer-Lautsprecher
- 31025 A&udiodatei spielen
- 31026 Audiosignal &testen
- 31027 &Erinnern in
- 31028 &Alarm Σndern
- 31029 Wiederh&olen
- 31030 Min.
- 31031 Alarm &verfΣllt
- 31032 Noti&z l÷schen wenn Alarm verfΣllt
- 31033 &Notiz l÷schen
- 31100 ATnotes Einstellungen
- 31101 Das ist eine Testnotiz fⁿr die Vorschau.
- 31102 &Schriftart...
- 31103 &Textfarbe
- 31104 &Hintergrundfarbe
- 31105 &Rahmenfarbe
- 31106 Vorschau
- 31107 &Links
- 31108 &Oben
- 31109 Position
- 31110 Tasten-Kombinationen
- 31112 Neue Notiz
- 31116 Tastatur
- 31117 &Neue Notiz
- 31118 Notiz &einfⁿgen
- 31119 Im &Vordergrund
- 31121 ▄berlappend
- 31122 Nach &Rechts
- 31123 Nach &Unten
- 31124 Notiz&liste
- 31125 Diverses
- 31126 Automatisch auf Standarddrucker
- 31127 In Farbe falls von Drucker unterstⁿtzt
- 31130 L÷schung einzelner Notizen bestΣtigen
- 31131 Notizen &anzeigen
- 31132 Symbol wenn Notiz kleiner als enthaltener Text
- 31133 Notiz in voller Gr÷▀e wenn Mauszeiger darⁿber
- 31134 &Einfⁿgen
- 31135 &Textvorbelegung
- 31139 Anzeigen
- 31140 Drucken
- 31141 L÷schen
- 31142 Einfⁿgen
- 31144 &Ausrichtung
- 31145 Links
- 31146 Zentriert
- 31147 Rechts
- 31148 Bearbeiten
- 31149 Alles markieren
- 31150 Cursor am Anfang positionieren
- 31151 Cursor am Ende positionieren
- 31152 Kalender
- 31153 Wochennummern anzeigen
- 31154 Heutiges Datum anzeigen
- 31155 Heutiges Datum mit Kreis markieren
- 31156 &Desktopfarben verwenden
- 31157 Trennzeile fⁿr Notizen
- 31158 Exportieren in Textdatei
- 31159 Kopieren in Zwischenablage
- 31160 Blinkzeit in Millisek.
- 31161 Mit Notiz-Rahmen
- 31162 &Suchen
- 31163 Netzwerk
- 31164 &Eingehende Notizen akzeptieren
- 31165 &Port Nummer
- 31166 Sen&den an
- 31167 &Name Absender
- 31168 &Zufallsfarben verwenden
- 31169 ▄bersetzung
- 31170 Englisch
- 31171 Pixel
- 31172 Tabulatorweite in Zeichen
- 31173 Doppelklick-Aktion fⁿr Taskbar Symbol
- 31174 Nochmals erinnern in Minuten
- 31175 Audiosignal fⁿr eingehende Notizen
- 31177 Windows 2000/XP
- 31178 T&otal transparente Farbe
- 31179 Stu&fenlose Transparenz
- 31180 Unsichtbar
- 31181 Sichtbar
- 31182 Textfarbe
- 31183 Hintergrundfarbe
- 31184 Rahmenfarbe
- 31185 Keine
- 31187 Vorher in Taskbar Symbol ankⁿndigen in Minuten
- 31188 Blinkanzahl des Taskbar Symbols bei Ankⁿndigung
- 31189 Spei&chern...
- 31190 &L÷schen
- 31191 Layout speichern
- 31192 Standardlayout
- 31193 &Layout
- 31194 Eingehende Notizen
- 31195 Ausgehende Notizen
- 31196 &Akzeptieren
- 31197 Im &Vordergrund
- 31198 + Windows-Taste
- 31200 ATnotes Verstecken
- 31201 &Nicht verstecken
- 31202 Bis &manuell aktiviert in Notizliste
- 31203 Bis &Zeitpunkt
- 31204 Fⁿr Zeit&dauer
- 31300 ATnotes Notizliste
- 31301 Letzte ─nderung
- 31302 Versteckt
- 31303 Versteckt bis
- 31304 Alarmtyp
- 31305 Suchen nach "%s"
- 31306 ATnotes Dateien (*.atn)|*.atn|Text Dateien (*.txt)|*.txt||
- 31307 Alarmaktion
- 31308 Erhalten von
- 31309 Erhalten am
- 31310 %d von %d Notizen
- 31311 Im Vordergrund
- 31312 Alarm
- 31313 Alle Ordner
- 31314 Kein Ordner
- 31315 Papierkorb
- 31316 aus "%s"
- 31317 in "%s"
- 31318 Gel÷scht am
- 31319 Heute
- 31320 Ordner
- 31321 Ordner Symbole
- 31322 &Gro▀
- 31323 &Klein
- 31324 Notizliste Einstellungen
- 31325 &Zeilenfarbe
- 31326 &Spalten
- 31327 Alarm verfΣllt
- 31400 ATnotes Senden an
- 31401 &Computername oder IP-Adresse
- 31402 Hin&zufⁿgen
- 31403 &L÷schen
- 31404 Nach &Oben
- 31405 Nach &Unten
- 31406 Der Name dieses Computers ist: %s
- 31407 &Durchsuchen...
- 31408 &Aktualisieren
- 31500 ATnotes Suchen
- 31501 &Gro▀-/Kleinschreibung beachten
- 31502 Weitere Farben...
- 31503 Automatisch
- 31504 Z&ufallsfarben aus Liste
- 31505 &Ordner
- 31506 Nach Bearbeiten automatisch
- 31507 Notiz &minimieren
- 31508 &Alarm-Fenster ÷ffnen
- 31509 Or&dner
- 31510 Im Windows XP Stil anzeigen
- 31511 Notiz skalieren in %
- 31512 Dateien
- 31513 Notizen
- 31514 Papierkorb
- 31515 Datei bestimmen
- 31516 Notizen in Papierkorb verschieben
- 31517 &Nur ganzes Wort
- 31518 Hauptmenⁿ umdrehen
- 31519 Menⁿs
- 31520 An vorhandenen Text anhΣngen
- 31521 Schatten fⁿr Notizen
- 31522 NΣchsten Alarm wenn Mauszeiger ⁿber Taskbar Icon
- 31523 &Kalender anzeigen
- 31524 &Hintergrundfarbe
- 31525 Hintergrundfarbe &Monat
- 31526 &Textfarbe Monat
- 31527 T&extfarbe andere Monate
- 31528 Hi&ntergrundfarbe Titel
- 31529 Te&xtfarbe Titel
- 31530 &Wochennummern anzeigen
- 31531 He&utiges Datum anzeigen
- 31532 Heutiges Datum her&vorheben
- 31533 Hintergrundfarbe
- 31534 Hintergrundfarbe Monat
- 31535 Textfarbe Monat
- 31536 Textfarbe andere Monate
- 31537 Hintergrundfarbe Titel
- 31538 Textfarbe Titel
- 31539 Notizen bei ─nderung Bildschirmaufl÷sung in sichtbaren Bereich bringen
- 31540 Farb&verlauf
- 31541 Keiner
- 31542 Horizontal
- 31543 Vertikal
- 31544 Tage mit Alarm hervorhe&ben
- 31545 &Englisch
- 31546 &Deutsch
- 31547 &Standard
- 31548 ATnotes starten
- 31549 Automatisch bei jedem Start des Computers
- 31600 ATnotes Farbliste
- 31601 ─n&dern
- 31602 &Hinzufⁿgen
- 31603 &L÷schen
- 31700 ATnotes Ordnerliste
- 31701 &Neu
- 31702 &L÷schen...
- 31703 Um&benennen
- 31704 Nach &Oben
- 31705 Nach &Unten
- 31706 Neuer Ordner
- 32000 &Neue Notiz
- 32002 &Einstellungen...
- 32004 &Info...
- 32005 &Beenden
- 32007 Notiz ein&fⁿgen
- 32008 Im &Vordergrund
- 32010 Notiz&liste...
- 32011 &Suchen...
- 32012 &RⁿckgΣngig
- 32013 Notizen &anzeigen
- 32014 Sen&den an...
- 32015 &Hilfe
- 32016 &Kalender anzeigen
- 32100 &Bearbeiten
- 32101 &L÷schen
- 32102 &Drucken
- 32103 &Alarm...
- 32105 &Kopieren
- 32106 Ve&rstecken...
- 32109 Ein&fⁿgen
- 32110 ╓ff&nen
- 32111 &Minimieren
- 32112 &Wiederherstellen
- 32114 La&yout
- 32115 &Text + Layout
- 32116 T&ext
- 32117 &Senden an...
- 32118 Erhalten von:
- 32119 &Ordner
- 32120 &Bearbeiten...
- 32121 &Wiederherstellen in
- 32200 %%c Datum/Zeit kurz: %c
- 32201 %%x Datum kurz: %x
- 32202 %%X Zeit: %X
- 32203 %%d Tag: %d
- 32204 %%m Monat: %m
- 32205 %%y Jahr kurz: %y
- 32206 %%Y Jahr lang: %Y
- 32207 %%H Stunde 24h: %H
- 32208 %%I Stunde 12h: %I
- 32209 %%M Minute: %M
- 32210 %%S Sekunde: %S
- 32211 %%p AM/PM: %p
- 32212 %%a Wochentag kurz: %a
- 32213 %%A Wochentag lang: %A
- 32214 %%b Monatsname kurz: %b
- 32215 %%B Monatsname lang: %B
- 32216 %%%% Prozentzeichen: %%
- 32217 %%#c Datum/Zeit lang: %#c
- 32218 %%#x Datum lang: %#x
- 32219 %%%%p Cursorposition: %%p
- 32300 &Alle Notizen
- 32301 &Sichtbare Notizen
- 32302 &Versteckte Notizen
- 32303 &Notizen mit Alarm
- 32304 &Erhaltene Notizen
- 32305 Notizen s&uchen...
- 32306 N&ormal
- 32307 &Minimiert
- 32308 &Wiederhergestellt
- 32309 &Alles auswΣhlen
- 32310 Auswahl &umkehren
- 32311 &Symbolleiste
- 32312 Status&leiste
- 32313 &Zeilenfarbe...
- 32314 &Exportieren...
- 32315 &Importieren...
- 32316 &Schlie▀en
- 32317 Sp&alten
- 32320 &Datei
- 32321 &Ansicht
- 32322 &Bearbeiten
- 32323 &Notiz
- 32324 &Optionen
- 32325 &Ordnerliste...
- 32326 &Einstellungen...
- 32400 &RⁿckgΣngig
- 32401 &Ausschneiden
- 32402 &Kopieren
- 32403 &Einfⁿgen
- 32404 &L÷schen
- 32405 Alles &markieren
- 32406 &Datum/Zeit
- 32407 Datei&verknⁿpfung...
- 32500 &Gehe zu Heute
- 32501 Im &Vordergrund
- 32502 &Kopieren
- 32503 &Einstellungen...
- 40000 ATnotes is running already!
- 40001 Cannot add icon to taskbar!
- 40002 (No Text)
- 40003 Invalid or corrupt ATnotes file!
- 40004 The time must be in the future!
- 40005 No notes available!
- 40006 No note selected!
- 40007 No notes found!
- 40008 No day selected!
- 40009 The flash time must be between 100 and 3000 millisec!
- 40010 The port number must be between 20000 and 60000!
- 40011 No recipient specified!
- 40012 The note cannot be delivered to: %s
- 40013 No text specified!
- 40014 Error initializing Windows Sockets! No notes from other computers can be received!
- 40015 The name of the sender must not exceed 30 characters!
- 40016 Cannot run: %s
- 40017 Cannot open: %s
- 40018 The tab width must be between 2 and 20 characters!
- 40019 The time for reminding must be between 1 and 59 minutes!
- 40020 The color list must contain at least 2 colors!
- 40021 The note list must contain at least one column!
- 40022 The expiration time must be after the alarm time!
- 40100 Delete selected note(s)?
- 40101 Trying to add icon to taskbar...
- 40102 The clipboard text is too large, only the first 2000 characters will be pasted!
- 40103 Delete selected folder?
- 40104 No active alarm.
- 40900 OK
- 40901 Cancel
- 40902 &Close
- 41000 ATnotes Alarm
- 41001 &Activate alarm
- 41002 &Repeat alarm every
- 41003 Hours
- 41004 Days
- 41005 Weeks
- 41006 Months
- 41007 Years
- 41008 &Keep note after alarm
- 41009 &Delete note after alarm
- 41010 Minutes
- 41011 &Specified date/time
- 41012 &Period of time from now on
- 41013 Hid&e note
- 41014 &Confirm note text in message box
- 41015 &Bring note to top and flash note
- 41016 &Run
- 41017 All Files (*.*)|*.*|Executable Files (*.exe;*.com;*.bat)|*.exe;*.com;*.bat||
- 41018 Type
- 41019 Action
- 41020 Repeat alar&m daily
- 41021 Sound Files (*.wav)|*.wav||
- 41022 Audio Signal
- 41023 &No audio signal
- 41024 Standard signal with &computer speaker
- 41025 Play so&und file
- 41026 &Test Audio Signal
- 41027 &Remind in
- 41028 Change &Alarm
- 41029 &Repeat
- 41030 Min.
- 41031 Alarm e&xpires
- 41032 Delete n&ote if alarm expires
- 41033 &Delete Note
- 41100 ATnotes Settings
- 41101 This is a test note for preview.
- 41102 &Font...
- 41103 &Text color
- 41104 &Background color
- 41105 Bor&der color
- 41106 Preview
- 41107 &Left
- 41108 &Top
- 41109 Position
- 41110 Hotkeys
- 41112 New Note
- 41116 Keyboard
- 41117 &New Note
- 41118 &Paste Note
- 41119 &Always on Top
- 41121 Cascading
- 41122 To &right
- 41123 To &bottom
- 41124 Note &List
- 41125 Various
- 41126 Automatically to default printer
- 41127 In color if supported by printer
- 41130 Confirm deletion of single notes
- 41131 &Show Notes
- 41132 Indicate if note is smaller than contained text
- 41133 Show note in full size while mouse cursor is over note
- 41134 &Insert
- 41135 Initial te&xt
- 41139 Display
- 41140 Print
- 41141 Delete
- 41142 Paste
- 41144 &Alignment
- 41145 Left
- 41146 Centered
- 41147 Right
- 41148 Edit
- 41149 Select all
- 41150 Position cursor at top
- 41151 Position cursor at bottom
- 41152 Calendar
- 41153 Show week numbers
- 41154 Show today's date
- 41155 Mark today's date with circle
- 41156 &Use desktop colors
- 41157 Separator line for notes
- 41158 Export to text file
- 41159 Copy to clipboard
- 41160 Flash time in millisec.
- 41161 With note border
- 41162 S&earch
- 41163 Network
- 41164 &Accept incoming notes
- 41165 &Port number
- 41166 Sen&d To
- 41167 Name of &sender
- 41168 Use &random colors
- 41169 Translation
- 41170 English
- 41171 Pixel
- 41172 Tab width in characters
- 41173 Double click action for taskbar icon
- 41174 Remind again in minutes
- 41175 Audio signal for incoming notes
- 41177 Windows 2000/XP
- 41178 Completely transparent &color
- 41179 I&nfinitely variable transparency
- 41180 Invisible
- 41181 Visible
- 41182 Text color
- 41183 Background color
- 41184 Border color
- 41185 None
- 41187 Announce before in taskbar icon in minutes
- 41188 Flash count of taskbar icon on announcement
- 41189 &Save...
- 41190 D&elete
- 41191 Save Layout
- 41192 Standard Layout
- 41193 &Layout
- 41194 Incoming notes
- 41195 Outgoing notes
- 41196 &Accept
- 41197 Al&ways on top
- 41198 + Windows key
- 41200 ATnotes Hide
- 41201 &Don't hide
- 41202 Until &manually activated in Note List
- 41203 &Until date/time
- 41204 &For period of time
- 41300 ATnotes Note List
- 41301 Last Modified
- 41302 Hidden
- 41303 Hidden until
- 41304 Alarm Type
- 41305 Search for "%s"
- 41306 ATnotes Files (*.atn)|*.atn|Text Files (*.txt)|*.txt||
- 41307 Alarm Action
- 41308 Received from
- 41309 Received on
- 41310 %d of %d notes
- 41311 Always on Top
- 41312 Alarm
- 41313 All Folders
- 41314 No Folder
- 41315 Recycle Bin
- 41316 from "%s"
- 41317 in "%s"
- 41318 Deleted on
- 41319 Today
- 41320 Folder
- 41321 Folder icons
- 41322 &Large
- 41323 &Small
- 41324 Note List Settings
- 41325 &Row color
- 41326 &Columns
- 41327 Alarm Expires
- 41400 ATnotes Send To
- 41401 &Computer name or IP address
- 41402 &Add
- 41403 &Delete
- 41404 Move &Up
- 41405 Move D&own
- 41406 The name of this computer is: %s
- 41407 &Browse...
- 41408 &Refresh
- 41500 ATnotes Search
- 41501 &Case sensitive
- 41502 More Colors...
- 41503 Automatic
- 41504 Rand&om colors from list
- 41505 &Folder
- 41506 After editing automatically
- 41507 &Minimize note
- 41508 &Open alarm window
- 41509 &Folder
- 41510 Display in Windows XP style
- 41511 Scale note in %
- 41512 Files
- 41513 Notes
- 41514 Recycle Bin
- 41515 Specify file
- 41516 Move notes to recycle bin
- 41517 &Whole word only
- 41518 Flip main menu
- 41519 Menus
- 41520 Append to existing text
- 41521 Drop shadow for notes
- 41522 Next alarm while mouse cursor is over taskbar icon
- 41523 Show Calenda&r
- 41524 &Background color
- 41525 B&ackground color month
- 41526 &Text color month
- 41527 T&ext color other months
- 41528 Bac&kground color title
- 41529 Te&xt color title
- 41530 &Display week numbers
- 41531 &Show today
- 41532 Highlight t&oday
- 41533 Background color
- 41534 Background color month
- 41535 Text color month
- 41536 Text color other months
- 41537 Background color title
- 41538 Text color title
- 41539 Position notes in visible screen area when screen resolution changes
- 41540 &Gradient
- 41541 None
- 41542 Horizontal
- 41543 Vertical
- 41544 Highlight days &with alarms
- 41545 &English
- 41546 &German
- 41547 &Default
- 41548 Launch ATnotes
- 41549 Automatically every time the computer starts up
- 41600 ATnotes Color List
- 41601 &Change
- 41602 &Add
- 41603 &Delete
- 41700 ATnotes Folder List
- 41701 &New
- 41702 &Delete...
- 41703 &Rename
- 41704 Move &Up
- 41705 &Move Down
- 41706 New folder
- 42000 &New Note
- 42002 &Settings...
- 42004 &About...
- 42005 &Exit
- 42007 &Paste Note
- 42008 Al&ways on Top
- 42010 Note &List...
- 42011 Sear&ch...
- 42012 &Undo
- 42013 Sh&ow Notes
- 42014 Sen&d To...
- 42015 &Help
- 42016 Show Calenda&r
- 42100 &Edit
- 42101 &Delete
- 42102 &Print
- 42103 &Alarm...
- 42105 &Copy
- 42106 &Hide...
- 42109 Pas&te
- 42110 &Open
- 42111 &Minimize
- 42112 &Restore
- 42114 La&yout
- 42115 &Text + Layout
- 42116 T&ext
- 42117 Se&nd To...
- 42118 Received From:
- 42119 Fo&lder
- 42120 &Edit...
- 42121 &Restore to
- 42200 %%c Date/Time short: %c
- 42201 %%x Date short: %x
- 42202 %%X Time: %X
- 42203 %%d Day: %d
- 42204 %%m Month: %m
- 42205 %%y Year short: %y
- 42206 %%Y Year long: %Y
- 42207 %%H Hour 24h: %H
- 42208 %%I Hour 12h: %I
- 42209 %%M Minute: %M
- 42210 %%S Second: %S
- 42211 %%p AM/PM: %p
- 42212 %%a Weekday short: %a
- 42213 %%A Weekday long: %A
- 42214 %%b Month short: %b
- 42215 %%B Month long: %B
- 42216 %%%% Percent Sign: %%
- 42217 %%#c Date/Time long: %#c
- 42218 %%#x Date long: %#x
- 42219 %%%%p Cursor Position: %%p
- 42300 &All Notes
- 42301 &Visible Notes
- 42302 &Hidden Notes
- 42303 &Notes with Alarm
- 42304 Re&ceived Notes
- 42305 &Search Notes...
- 42306 N&ormal
- 42307 &Minimized
- 42308 &Restored
- 42309 &Select All
- 42310 &Reverse Selection
- 42311 &Toolbar
- 42312 &Statusbar
- 42313 &Row Color...
- 42314 &Export...
- 42315 &Import...
- 42316 &Close
- 42317 &Columns
- 42320 &File
- 42321 &View
- 42322 &Edit
- 42323 &Note
- 42324 &Options
- 42325 &Folder List...
- 42326 S&ettings...
- 42400 &Undo
- 42401 &Cut
- 42402 C&opy
- 42403 &Paste
- 42404 &Delete
- 42405 &Select All
- 42406 Date/&Time
- 42407 &File Shortcut...
- 42500 &Go to Today
- 42501 Al&ways on Top
- 42502 &Copy
- 42503 &Settings...
- 57344 ATnotes
- 61440 Open
- 61441 Save As
- 61442 All Files (*.*)
- 61443 Untitled
- 61446 an unnamed file
- 61457 &Hide
- 61472 No error message is available.
- 61473 An unsupported operation was attempted.
- 61474 A required resource was unavailable.
- 61475 Out of memory.
- 61476 An unknown error has occurred.
- 61477 An invalid argument was encountered.
- 61696 Invalid filename.
- 61697 Failed to open document.
- 61698 Failed to save document.
- 61699 Save changes to %1?
- 61700 Failed to create empty document.
- 61701 The file is too large to open.
- 61702 Could not start print job.
- 61703 Failed to launch help.
- 61704 Internal application error.
- 61705 Command failed.
- 61706 Insufficient memory to perform operation.
- 61707 System registry entries have been removed and the INI file (if any) was deleted.
- 61708 Not all of the system registry entries (or INI file) were removed.
- 61709 This program requires the file %s, which was not found on this system.
- 61710 This program is linked to the missing export %s in the file %s. This machine may have an incompatible version of %s.
- 61712 Please enter an integer.
- 61713 Please enter a number.
- 61714 Please enter an integer between %1 and %2.
- 61715 Please enter a number between %1 and %2.
- 61716 Please enter no more than %1 characters.
- 61717 Please select a button.
- 61718 Please enter an integer between 0 and 255.
- 61719 Please enter a positive integer.
- 61720 Please enter a date and/or time.
- 61721 Please enter a currency.
- 61722 Please enter a GUID.
- 61723 Please enter a time.
- 61724 Please enter a date.
- 61728 Unexpected file format.
- 61729 %1\nCannot find this file.\nPlease verify that the correct path and file name are given.
- 61730 Destination disk drive is full.
- 61731 Unable to read from %1, it is opened by someone else.
- 61732 Unable to write to %1, it is read-only or opened by someone else.
- 61733 An unexpected error occurred while reading %1.
- 61734 An unexpected error occurred while writing %1.
- 61744 %1: %2\nContinue running script?
- 61745 Dispatch exception: %1
- 61836 Unable to read write-only property.
- 61837 Unable to write read-only property.
- 61840 Unable to load mail system support.
- 61841 Mail system DLL is invalid.
- 61842 Send Mail failed to send message.
- 61856 No error occurred.
- 61857 An unknown error occurred while accessing %1.
- 61858 %1 was not found.
- 61859 %1 contains an invalid path.
- 61860 %1 could not be opened because there are too many open files.
- 61861 Access to %1 was denied.
- 61862 An invalid file handle was associated with %1.
- 61863 %1 could not be removed because it is the current directory.
- 61864 %1 could not be created because the directory is full.
- 61865 Seek failed on %1
- 61866 A hardware I/O error was reported while accessing %1.
- 61867 A sharing violation occurred while accessing %1.
- 61868 A locking violation occurred while accessing %1.
- 61869 Disk full while accessing %1.
- 61870 An attempt was made to access %1 past its end.
- 61872 No error occurred.
- 61873 An unknown error occurred while accessing %1.
- 61874 An attempt was made to write to the reading %1.
- 61875 An attempt was made to access %1 past its end.
- 61876 An attempt was made to read from the writing %1.
- 61877 %1 has a bad format.
- 61878 %1 contained an unexpected object.
- 61879 %1 contains an incorrect schema.
- 61888 pixels
- 62177 Uncheck
- 62178 Check
- 62179 Mixed